It is difficult to be grieving when if seems like the whole world is celebrating. This creates feeling of loneliness and disconnectedness.
Step 1: Acknowledge your grief. (you have reason to grieve, it is OK.)
Step 2: Have compassion for yourself and the fact that you need ‘space’ to grieve even if it seems like everyone around you are celebrating.
Step 3: Communicate with your loved ones that you might need space from time to time and that you might withdraw at times. They do not have to feel guilty when they are celebrating, and they do not have to make it ‘better’ for you.
Step 4: Create a quiet space for yourself where you can be alone and process your grief. This might be by taking a walk-in nature, listening to soothing music, looking through photo’s, doing some creative activity. Any sensory activity like lighting candles and using essential oils creates a ‘safe space’ for you.
I have put all my experience from working with grief and loss in various contexts over the last 10+years into this Guide to Grief-journaling, because I know that everyone does not have access to a grief-coach or a therapist during a time of loss and grief. The process involves some mindfulness activities, writing, collage, drawing or whatever creative method you choose. I wish I could tell you that there is a simple and easy journey through grief, but then I would be lying. I do however know that there are some wise ways that you can use to support yourself. Grief-journaling is one of them.
I highly recommend this tool. I have personally used it to process various losses. I have created a grief-journal when my grandmother died, when I lost my marriage because of divorce and again now during the Covid-19 pandemic, when I had to process many losses like the fact that I couldn’t attend my son’s wedding. I have trained community workers in grief-journaling so that they could support Aids-orphans in very disadvantages communities. I have supported children during loss, and I have supported woman from affluent communities. This is really a tool that is accessible and useful to everyone.
Order your Guide to Grief journaling from me today for the special price of R350/$30 (way less than the price of one therapy/coaching session) by sending an email to
Step 5: If you create space for the grief and you work with it, you will find that it might be easier for you to join the festivities. My hope and prayer for you is that you may experience some peace and joy during the holidays.