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Writer's pictureLouwrens Scheepers

"... I have really hoped...

(English translation of a previous post in Afrikaans)

Maybe you have also said these words before – that time you were on your Emmaus road.

Maybe you are there now… walking away from what you have hoped for.

Many have been disappointed by the church. We all have really hoped…

But Christianity, the project, didn’t turn out so well… the huge effort to create a better world by marrying state and church did not quite succeed… even though we’ve really hoped…

This is true for many others too – modernism, capitalism, communism, liberalism…

We all have really hoped…

And all we see is a broken world, burdened under pollution, poverty, racism, war.

So we walk to Emmaus – together – because we’ve really hoped…

Out of the blue, there’s a stranger on the road, with them. They don’t know him – or rather, they don’t recognize him. He doesn’t introduce himself. He doesn’t answer their questions. He just walks along. And he listens. They are almost not aware of his presence.

And then the question: “what are you two talking about?”

This stops them in their tracks. Their pain is almost overwhelming. The storyteller writes “…they halted with sombre faces…”

After a moment they start explaining. Words tumble from their lips – they share with him their dreams, their expectations… they were so sure that he is the one who will save Israel from their oppressor…

This is dangerous ground. To put your hope in Jesus – who is on your side against the Romans and the corrupted Herod…!!

They do what many others have done – are doing – they own Jesus – He is on our side, they say!

For the Afrikaners… no, the Americans… definitely not for Isis or Islam, or homosexuals…

This is our claim.

We base it on the Scriptures, the Law and the Prophets. They back us on this. We know exactly on whose side God is and on whose side He is not.

And so we end up on the road to Emmaus.



When they arrive at the end of the road, they invite him in. And they sit down at the table. He takes the bread, bless it, break it…

Just like before. And they recognize Him. It is Christ, the Risen One!

And then He’s gone.

At the table are the travellers, the Scriptures and the bread, broken.

It’s so different from what they have hoped for. They hoped for a King. They hoped for a victory over Rome.

Now they have been stripped from their dreams and their expectations. Everything they were so sure of disappeared. And yet - It is on this road that they discover a new meaning in the Scriptures and receive the bread as if for the first time. And it is as if they can see – for the first time – for a moment.

We have really hoped – for things to be different.

Some still hope for freedom from political powers. Some still use the Scriptures, the law and the prophets, to manipulate and oppress people – to include and exclude. From stages and pulpits we hear them speak on God’s behalf. Because some really believe that it will be as they hope for…

On the road to Emmaus, these two disciples discover a different truth. In their disillusionment and disappointment, they see Christ – as if for the first time, for who He really is.

Without pretence, without fanfare.

And all that remain are two men.

The Scriptures.

And the bread.


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