He is a man.
He has a name.
He has a position in society.
He has a 12 year old daughter who is seriously ill.
She is a woman.
We don’t know her name.
She has no position in society.
She has been seriously ill for 12 years.
And then Jesus arrives.
The man with the name and position reached Him first.
He needed Jesus to come to his house.
It is urgent.
His 12-year old daughter is dying.
How does Jesus respond?
He goes.
Because the child’s life matters!
Jesus walks with the important man through the town streets.
The streets are full of people.
Everybody wants to see Jesus.
Everybody wants to touch Him.
And then it stops.
The important man is anxious.
Why did we stop? Please let’s keep moving!! My daughter is dying!! We can’t stop now.
My child’s life matters!!!”
But Jesus doesn’t move.
He wants to know who touched Him…
The crowd is astonished – in a street packed with people it is impossible to know!!
The disciples are embarrassed.
The important man is angry.
Forget about who touched whom.
We need to go.
My child’s life matters!
But Jesus doesn’t move.
He waits.
And then there’s a movement amongst the people.
Suddenly everybody sees her.
The woman without a name.
The woman without a position in society.
The woman who has been seriously ill for 12 years.
She falls at Jesus’ feet.
Something inside breaks open.
12 years of pain.
12 years of shame.
12 years of anger.
12 years of rejection.
12 years without a voice.
12 years of being an outcast.
Jesus listens.
He looks at her.
He touches her.
He gives her undivided attention.
And then, right there:
For the crowd to hear,
And the disciples,
And the important man with the sick daughter,
Jesus says: My daughter, your life matters!
The important man turns away. Walks away.
Jesus doesn’t have to bother anymore.
In the distance he sees his slave running towards him.
He knows what it means.
Maybe his daughter’s life didn’t matter after all…
Something breaks inside.
He’s angry.
In pain.
A hand touches his shoulder.
He looks up.
It is Jesus.
“Jairus,” says He, “do not be afraid. Trust Me.”
Mark 5:21 -43